Alexandra Davis

Throughout Ally’s life, she has always been actively involved in many things. From an early age through high school, she was a competitive gymnast and enjoyed choreographing floor routines for herself and teammates. After suffering from several knee injuries, Ally was driven to find other things that would be easier on her joints but also keep her active. In 2016, Ally attended Bowling Green State University and joined an organization called CHAARG. The mission of this organization is to “liberate girls from the elliptical” and show them that fitness can (and should) be fun. Ally was a member of CHAARG all four years of college and became a small group leader for two of them. She grew comfortable with creating and modifying workouts for all fitness levels. Ally graduated from college in the midst of Covid in May of 2020 and felt a little lost in her fitness journey after being sent home. During this time, she was introduced to barre and immediately fell in love with the style of workout and community that came along with it. Her background with leading workouts and creating choreography, as well as her barre instructor gave her the inspiration and confidence to become an instructor herself.

Ally isn’t just a barre instructor, she is also a high school biology teacher and is currently working towards her Master’s degree in Curriculum and Instruction. She has a passion for helping people become the best version of themselves.

Ally’s motto is that “time will pass regardless, so what are you going to do with it?” Today is the day to start working towards making your dreams come true, whatever they may be.