Jayda Moorefield

I am a former competitive dancer that transitioned my passion for movement into a journey of fitness. After graduating from high school I wanted to maintain an active lifestyle and couldn’t imagine not dancing. I got an associates degree in dance and continued my education to follow my other passions; Continuing to dance throughout undergrad.

After graduating from the University of Tennessee in 2020, I moved to a different state by myself. I tried an intro barre class as a means to meet new people during the pandemic, and I was hooked. In 2021 I became a certified barre instructor with a franchise studio. I fell in love with helping people reach their goals and love putting together challenging classes to help push people to the next level. I fell in love with fitness all over again through teaching and decided to also became a mat Pilates instructor. By earning my Barre Intensity certification I have more flexibility to teach barre in my community and make it more accessible to others. My goal is to show people that they don’t have to be a dancer to do barre and encourage them to move their bodies in a low impact way!

I work in higher education at a local university. With my background in dance and fitness, my aim is to introduce barre to college campuses, empowering young adults to move their bodies and prioritize their well-being. I am also halfway through my doctoral program and teaching barre and taking classes is my sweet escape from the chaos!