Find Your Path: Barre Intensity Instructor Training

Are you a group fitness instructor looking to add barre to your teaching repertoire? Are you a barre student who takes classes on the regular? Already teaching barre and hoping for a fresh perspective? If you've answered YES to any of these questions, we're certain our Barre Intensity barre training program is for you. Read on to see what path to start according to your experience.

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Comprehensive Instructor Training

Comprehensive Instructor Training

No, I am not a barre instructor. (Step 1)

If you’ve never taught a barre class or you’ve been a barre student for quite some time, our Comprehensive Course is the place to start. Here we teach you the 45 traditional barre exercises. You’ll learn the foundations of barre, alignment, cueing, choreography, transitions, flow, musicality, and more.  Our manual and online training is easy to follow, organized section by section, exercise by exercise and it's yours to keep forever to refer back to anytime you need a refresher. 


No, I am not a barre instructor. (Step 1A)

Choreography Transition Tactics Workshop

Transitions are covered at a high level in our Comprehensive training but our Choreography Transitions Workshop takes it up a notch. Smooth transitions and seamless flow are an important part of a Barre Intensity class or any group fitness class you may be currently teaching. In this workshop, we share our five most successful choreography transition tactics to get you seamlessly moving from one piece of choreography to the next.

All Barre Intensity Trainees receive this workshop for free as a part of their training fee.

Choreography Transitions Tactics Workshop

Choreography Transitions Tactics Workshop

Essentials Instructor Training

Essentials Instructor Training

Yes, I am currently teaching barre classes. (Step 1 )

For those of you already teaching barre, our Essentials course is where you’ll start. Here we teach you all of the ins and outs of the Barre Intensity technique without re-learning the basic barre exercises. We take a deeper dive into muscle function, alignment, transitions, verbal cues and our Cueing Hierarchy.

*Complete this course after you’ve completed our Comprehensive course as your Step 2 before moving onto Anatomy.


Anatomy (Step 2)

You’ve completed your formal barre training and you may or may not already be teaching classes. Now it’s time to start our Anatomy Course specific to barre. Even if you have already completed an anatomy course or two, there is always more to learn. This course will broaden your understanding of movement and help you further understand the “why” behind exercises and philosophies.

We cover the basic language of anatomy, introduce the connective tissue system, share basic body mechanics, and review muscle function and critical musculoskeletal structures. Completing this course is not necessary to teach a barre class but it certainly expands your knowledge.

All Barre Intensity Trainees receive this workshop for free as a part of their training fee.

Barre Anatomy Workshop

Barre Anatomy Workshop

At this point in your training process we encourage you to become a Barre Now member and access over 100 classes to assist you with your practice hours and/or inspire your next barre class choreography.

Pre & Postnatal Training

Pre & Postnatal Training

Prenatal & Postnatal Training (Step 3)

Your classes are improving, your flow is seamless and you’ve got a deeper understanding of the anatomy of a barre class. It’s time for our Pre & Postnatal Course. Learn the need to know items when teaching barre to pregnant and recently pregnant women. This course teaches the benefits of exercise while pregnant, bodily changes during pregnancy, prenatal and postpartum exercise myths, pregnancy and postpartum areas of concern, the anatomy of the deep core and how to connect to it, trimester fitness guidelines, and most importantly, specific exercise modifications for the prenatal client.

Prop Workshops for the Ball, Yoga Block, Gliders, Loop Band & Long Band

Prop Workshops for the Ball, Yoga Block, Gliders, Loop Band & Long Band

Prop Choreography Workshops (Step 4)

This part of your barre training path is a fun one! We love the challenge and creativity props can bring to any barre class. At this point in your barre teaching path you’ve mastered the basic barre exercises and are ready to take them up a notch.

Choose from our variety of prop offerings and learn anywhere from 20 - 40 mini choreography series for each prop. In addition, each workshop comes with full length classes utilizing the highlighted prop.

Barre Exercise Intensive

Barre Exercise Intensive

Barre Exercise Intensive with Elisabeth Halfpapp (Step 5)

It’s always a great idea to learn new perspectives from other barre instructors and educators. At this part of your journey take a dive into the Barre Exercise Intensive Course created and presented by former Lotte Berk and Exhale Barre co-founder, Elisabeth Halfpapp of CoreBarreFit. Elisabeth covers the teaching foundations and technique details for 13 of the most essential barre class exercises to achieve the safest and most effective benefits of barre.


If you decide you’re ready to start your barre training path today, check out all of our certifications, workshops, full-classes, tracks, props workshops and more below.